Monday, May 2, 2011

Mushrooms, but No Shortcuts

I recently took some time off from all my responsibilities and went on a road trip by myself, something I highly recommend doing if you can find the means to do so. (A hint: it's a lot easier if you quit your job.)  It's just good to get out and remember that this is a huge world that God is holding together, and it's also great to catch up with old friends (and relatives)!  More than all that, though, I went looking for some direction and set aside some serious time to seek God for that purpose on the trip.  I didn't keep this a secret, so since I got back a lot of people have been asking what God showed me.

It sure wasn't what I was expecting.

In fact, it wasn't direction in the sense I was asking for at all.  The best way I can actually think of to explain it is just with this story that happened on day 2 of the trip.

I was at my grandparents' house for this early stage of the voyage.  They live on like 120 acres of wonderful land in the middle of not much (central Illinois).  Part of my trip's mission was to take long walks in their woods and talk to God out in his creation.  As I told them that, and almost before the words had finished leaving my mouth, my grandma said "maybe you'll find some mushrooms!"

See, I didn't know this, but my trip directly coincided with the beginning of wild mushroom season in Illinois.  Something else I didn't know was that this is a *big deal* around these parts (perhaps due to the lack of too much else going on).  I mean, I've never seen people get so excited about fungus before!  More on that later.  Anyway, it was clear that on any walk I took in my time there, I was going to be equipped with a "sack" (which is what people in Illinois call plastic bags) for the purpose of retrieving any mushrooms I happened to find.

I wasn't really thinking too much about the mushrooms at first.  I stuffed the sack into the pocket of my jacket and started off down the hill toward the creek behind my grandparents' house with my eyes only occasionally straying downward to check for the ugly, wrinkly morel mushrooms that were supposed to be there for the picking.  They don't really look like anything you'd want to eat, actually.  Anyhow, I walked for a long time, stopping occasionally to rest and pray and bring the things on my heart before God.

I kind of thought, I guess, that there would be a lot of these mushrooms around.  I was looking forward to making my grandma's day since she was clearly pretty excited about my search.  After two and a half hours or so of my walk, though, I still hadn't found a single one of the elusive fungi.  My prayers actually started to shift from my requests for general life direction into requests to be directed toward mushrooms.  I hadn't really felt like I was hearing God answer my other prayers anyway, so I was starting to get a little bit frustrated.

I don't know why he was waiting for this, but almost as soon as I started praying about the mushrooms, God started to speak.  What I felt him say, though, was not what I was expecting or even wanting: "why don't you forget about the mushrooms and just walk with me in my woods?"

So I did.  It's funny: I always ask God for answers when he really likes to give me questions.  And the really amazing thing is that they always end up being the answers too.  Anyway, my walk suddenly got much better.  The sun came smiling through the trees after hours of overcast, and either a great variety of birds started suddenly singing... or I just started to notice them.  I felt God just show me his love.  Finally, I got pretty tired and hungry and sat down to rest beside the creek a little before turning back toward the house.

I turned around, put my hand down to get up... and there it was.  Yup, a mushroom.  A big, ugly wrinkled one.  I picked it and thought I would at least have something to show for my time... but that wasn't it.  I looked around a little more, and I kept finding more and more!  In one little area about the size of my apartment, I found so many that I almost filled the sack.  I was unreasonably happy for someone carrying a bag of fungus.  I started to understand maybe why the locals were so into this... maybe.

After the initial euphoria wore off, though, I realized that the mushrooms were just the next part of what God was trying to tell me.  I was so concerned about my own life and my own stuff, when God just wanted me to spend time with him.  What a crazy shortcut to attempt, getting God's direction without taking time to invest in relationship with him.  But I do that all the time.  The mushrooms were just a symbol of that, and really--he had been leading me towards them the whole time.  The blessing was only revealed in fellowship with him, though.

Now, I don't think it's wrong to ask God for specific direction, just that it wasn't God's plan for my trip.  David asked for very specific guidance, as did many others, and God answered them.  You don't really read about Jesus asking the Father for directions, though.  The model he gave is in John 5:19: "I tell you the truth, the Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees his Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son also does."  Jesus just lived life as close to his father as possible, and then he could easily see what the Father was doing and join him in it.  He didn't ask, he just walked in fellowship with his eyes open... and he saw.

That's what I think God wants me to do for the direction I need for my future: draw close to him and keep my eyes open.  It just takes the trust that he really is leading me all the while to things I can't currently see.  Otherwise, the request for direction is just about me, not about him... and he doesn't do shortcuts like that.

By the way, everyone at my grandparents' church was very impressed with my mushroom find... apparently I passed some obscure Midwestern initiation rite without even knowing it!  I wasn't just a city kid anymore, now I was a mushroom hunter and better, a finder.  Only God could come up with something like that.  Oh, and my grandma was so excited as she fried up the mushrooms and made me eat most of them in honor of the find.  I guess mushrooms can be significant after all... and they were delicious :)

Calvin & Hobbes comic of the day